The Subaru Impreza is designed as a performance car. It has built-in features to the frame , engine, and suspension to allow for modifications to transform it into a full out race car. Designers kept in mind what would the Subaru racing engineers need this car to be, to win championships with the car that comes off the plant line.
This is a very modifiable car. The basic difference between this and this is modifications. With just a bolt on turbo/supercharger and exhaust, most mid range 'performance' compact cars gain about 20 to 30 percent in increase of power. The Impreza will easily and safely double it's original power out put with the same upgrade. And this is one of the many reasons the Impreza engines have been dubbed 'Bulletproof' by engineers and professional engine tuners.
Here are some tid-bits to help get that showroom Impreza a bit closer a screaming race grade Impreza.
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HOT NEW Blue instrument panel illumination, sweet and cheap!!
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Back deck camera mount. For those who what a safe sturdy place to place that handy-cam.
List of typical modifications. What performance improvements to expect. Who sells them, and general notes. Also with links to their install if available.