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How does the AWD the Impreza stand up to world class FWD & RWD sport cars.


Autocar made a   comparative test between the some of the top cars of varying engine placements and drivetrain setups. These are the results that Autocar produced.

Link to the full article:


The Cars Tested:

BMW M3 M3 Front-engine FWD
Porsche 911 Rear-engine RWD
Peugeot 306 GTi-6 Front-engine FWD
Lotus Elise Mid-engine RWD
Subaru Impreza Front-engine AWD


Test I: Skip Pad

Dry Wet
Impreza 57mph understeer 911 51mph
911 56mph understeer Impreza 49mph
Elise 56mph oversteer Elise 49mph
306 GTi-6 56mph understeer 306 GTi-6 48mph
M3 56mph understeer M3 48mph


Test II:Traction & Wheel-spin   (15meter times)

DRY Amount of Spin WET
Impreza 2.25sec none Impreza 2.50sec
911 2.33sec little 911 2.79sec
Elise 2.44sec moderate Elise 2.86sec
M3 2.65sec moderate M3 3.05sec
306 GTi-6 3.04sec significant 306GTi-6 3.47sec


Test III: Slalom

Wet Wet
Elise 17.7sec Impreza 18.14sec
Impreza 17.09sec 911 18.35sec
M3 18.04sec Elise 18.44sec
911 18.15sec M3 18.96sec
306 GTi-6 19.68sec 306 GTi-6 19.88sec


Test IV:  Speed Corner (cornering top speed at apex point on Chobham test track & driver synopsis)

Dry Wet Driver Sysnopsis
Impreza 58mph 52mph " -widest smile from our driver all day."    Neutral, Point and full-throtle-shoot handling. Does what you want it to with do with confidence.
911 56mph 50mph "-nudge the rear out slightly and drift through the corners on the verge of oversteer "     Friendly on-limit handeling.
Elise 55mph 50mph "In the Elise the risk of a spin was so great from backing away from the throttle that... resorted to a conventional slow in, fast out method."    More power than control. More suited for more wide open tracks.
306 GTi-6 54mph 46mph " -nose would tuck in .., quelling the understeer that had started to wash the nose wide"     reducing understeer by lift on the throttle brefore apex produced fasted times.
M3 52mph 46mph " -driver was mumbling about too much understeer when he climbed out."    Stable in the dry.  Understeered at earlier points in the wet.

Conlcusion of test by Autocar:
"But in the end there was one very clear winner in this contest. The Impreza was most composed, generally faster and markedly grippier in most of the competition in most of the tests.  ...  It's one of the outstanding car designs of the decade. "







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